The Gospel is clear water that washes the filth of generation According to the flesh, the blood and the will of man (Oj 1:12; Proverbs 30: 12). Through the Gospel occurs the regeneration, or the new birth, wash that clears the man from the filth of the first generation. Only through this renovation powered by God (new heart and a new spirit) is that man becomes God elected, because it becomes part of the new generation, the generation elected (Ez 36: 25 -27).
The Gospel is clear water that washes the filth of generation According to the flesh, the blood and the will of man (Oj 1:12; Proverbs 30: 12). Through the Gospel occurs the regeneration, or the new birth, wash that clears the man from the filth of the first generation. Only through this renovation powered by God (new heart and a new spirit) is that man becomes God elected, because it becomes part of the new generation, the generation elected (Ez 36: 25 -27).
But ye are a chosen generation, a Royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a purchased people that praises the virtues, to him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 pet. 2: 9)
Since the Reformation the doctrine of election is presented by some as a mystery, and for others, sums it up only in controversy.
But, when writing to the Christians of the dispersion, the Apostle Peter the named ' elected ' generation, which sheds light on mysteries and dissolves the controversies.
Theorists usually think the election as a choice of God who rests on individuals and, shall consider in what is the idea of ' chosen ' generation.
The Apostle Peter emphasizes that Christians are elected, the generation that invalidates the idea that God has chosen or rejected, without criterion plausible individuals in particular.
According to the theories that try to explain the doctrine of election, with the main highlight the Calvinist theories and arminianistas, God chose some individuals to be saved before them that they came to exist. Such theories totally discard the exposed by the Apostle Peter that emphasizes the generation (noun), because without the existence of this particular generation there that talk about elected officials.
Paulina that first exposure is the generation of natural men and, later, the generation of spiritual, is also dropped by the Calvinist theories and arminianistas (1 Cor. 15:46), in the same way that doesn't take into account what Jesus expos to say: ' those born of the flesh is flesh ' and ' those born of the spirit is spirit '.
Whether the election is for the sovereignty or foreknowledge of God, the doctrine of election, both Calvinist and arminianista, also says that God elects individuals in particular to be saved.
How God would choose some men to be saved even before they are Born, if all men sinned? Whom God would choose for salvation, if all are conceived in Sin? What is the basis for this choice?
To deal with the election, both the positions do not consider that the Bible presents two types of births and two types of generations, and consider that God chooses some people to be saved and others to eternal damnation, deposes against the Grace of God and the purpose that there is in the Gospel that wants all men to be saved, and to come to knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2: 4).
The model took shape and robustness in the reform period with names like Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Arminius, Spurgeon, Owen, etc., and influenced many contemporary writers, see if they considered that the existence of man is restricted to a single birth: birth according to the flesh of Adam. And forget to consider that the Bible presents a new generation through the new birth which gives rise to the ' elected ' generation.
The Bible makes reference to two seeds: the corruptible seed from the seed of Adam, and the imperishable seed, which is the Word of God. Just as there are two seeds, therefore, there are two generations. When the psalmist says: a seed the serve; will be declared to every generation (Sl 22:30), it points to a specific seed, the imperishable seed, which brings the men who serve God, different from the seed of Adam, who is at enmity with God (1Pe 1:23)
The imperishable seed is the generation of the sons of God, those who seek the face of the God of Jacob this is the generation of those who seek him, those that seek thy face, o God of Jacob (Psalm 24: 6), however, the corruptible seed of Adam is only the generation of wicked, whose machado is already put at the root of them because the Lord loves judgment and not forsake his saints; they are preserved forever; but the seed of the wicked will be uprooted (PS 37: 28; Mt 3:10).
The generation of Adam, who is from corruptible seed, is not the generation elected. Of the children of Adam is not a man if you seek God before all went astray and together have become unclean (Sl 14: 3; Sl 53: 3). Adamic generation there are those who do good, because the man is straighter and more a thorn just like a hedge of thorns (Mq 7: 4). The descendants of Adam's seed if misplace of God and utter lies since they are born (Sl 58: 3).
The generation according to the will of the flesh, the blood and the will of man produces carnal men, rejected by God (Oj 1:12; OJ 3: 6). No man in this filthy generation is elected to be holy and faultless, so little elected to be saved, because in a single event, the disobedience of Adam, all become unclean.
However, according to the will of God is coming from imperishable seed. This seed produces spiritual men, elected of God because of the head of a new generation, which is Christ. Christ, the final Adam is the man elected, in whom all the families of the Earth would be fortunate ones '.
God did not choose anyone among the children of Adam to salvation. Why? Because the seed of Adam all sinned and were deprived of the glory of God (Rm 3:23). God's law is irrevocable: the soul that sins this will die! As the separation of God spread to all men, means that all have sinned, i.e. all died. The men generated according to the flesh are killed in crimes and sins, this prevents are elected by God to be holy and blameless (Ephesians 2: 1; Eph 1: 4).
Only being born again cannot take part of new generation, the moment that the new man inherit eternal life and become holy and blameless before God according to election Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, viva, and that remains forever (1Pe 1:23). This is why Jesus presented to Nicodemus the need to be born again (Jn 3: 3).
That is, the man is not elected to be born again, before it rises again through incorruptible seed, and after regeneration, becomes a member of the chosen generation, which makes it holy and blameless before God.
Would like someone died in crimes and sins be elected of God as holy and faultless? No! That's why it appeared the kindness and love of God, according to his mercy, by saving the men by washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5). Note well: God saves by the washing of regeneration and renewal of Spirit, and not through the election, as some say.
The Gospel is clear water that washes the filth of generation According to the flesh, the blood and the will of man (Oj 1:12; Proverbs 30: 12).
Through the Gospel occurs the regeneration, or the new birth, wash that clears the man from the filth of the first generation. Only through this renovation powered by God (new heart and a new spirit) is that man becomes God elected, because it becomes part of the new generation, the generation elected (Ez 36: 25 -27).
However, as the generation of Adam was rejected, because all along were filthy, God, through his mercy, not by works of righteousness that the man has done, but for your great and infinite love, he chose those who believed in Christ, the last Adam. Christ is the head of the chosen generation. Christ is the elect of God before the foundation of the world, and all generated him part of generation elected, namely, were chosen to be holy and blameless (Ephesians 1: 4; 1Pe 1:20).
How can God have chosen Christians before the foundation of the world? Simple! Just as Christ is the elect of God, God chose the generation of Christ, the last Adam, to be holy and blameless before him. All that Christ is born (generated), are elected from God. Therefore, God did not choose particular individuals to be saved, before elected the generation of Christ to be holy and faultless.
The generation of the sons of God, through incorruptible seed, which is the word of God, was elected by God since time immemorial to be holy and blameless before him, totally different from the condition of the children of Adam: enemies and unclean Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, viva, and that remains forever (1Pe 1:23).
God was pleased with his son, because Christ is pleasant, and chose his generation, because the generation of Adam became filthy. Christ is the elect of God, in whom his soul delights. Christ was granted by God for Alliance and light to the Gentiles (Is 42: 1 and 6). In this way, God turned the darkness into light and straightened what is tortuous (Is 42: 16). Through the new generation in Christ the sons of darkness become sons of light, and all those who were transported from darkness to light (saved) through faith in Christ are elect of God to be holy and blameless.
With respect to generation of Adam is sure that, when they leave this existence, following the judgment of the works, as are doomed because of the disobedience of Adam. It is also true that, among those generated from Adam who believe in the Gospel, are judged and die with Christ are baptized into his death to that ressurjam a new creature.
In this way, there is no way God choose Adam's seed for someone to be saved, since:
the) if creem, die with Christ after resurfacing in a new creature, and;
b) If you don't believe, go to perdition.
Therefore, God does not choose anyone raised from seed of Adam to be saved.
Another point: salvation at all times stems from faith, however, in addition to being saved, born of Jesus Christ are elected to be holy and blameless and predestined to children for adoption. All those are generated from imperishable seed through Christ, the faith is concerned, are the elect, since this is the Lord's generation, the generation separate to be elected, santa and faultless!
God chose Christ and his generation! Christ is elected and precious stone also in deed if it contains: Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief corner stone, elect and precious; And those who believe it will not be confused (1Pe 2: 6). As the last Adam is the living stone, chosen and precious, Christians also are living stones, similarly, elected and precious to God (1 pet. 2: 4 and 5).
The Calvinist and the theories, arminianista, consider that those elected are individuals who God chose to be saved, or by their sovereignty or for its prescience. If such placements were all correct, the saved never lost, might belong to all because every individual is elected or rejected (sovereign or prescientement) before the foundation of the world.
What the Bible demonstrates is the existence of two generations. There are the lost generation, people generated according to the will of the flesh, the desire of the man and the blood, where no one is elected, because says individuals who together turned aside and of the glory of God (Rm 3:12; Rm 3:23). And there is the generation of the saved, which are people generated new according to the will of God (Oj 1:12 -13), which previously belonged to the generation of lost.
There is no way belong to the generation of saved without first belonging to the generation of lost, since, first is the carnal, then come the spiritual (1 Cor. 15:46). It is at this point that God works wonderfully because it uses the same ' dough ' (lost) and makes her a new man (Rm 9:21), divine creation that generates a new man in the condition of Christ's brothers, and Christ, in turn, Firstborn among many brethren.
The Bible shows that, through Christ, the only begotten son elected introduced in world, God brings into existence new men, born of their desire and according to its consent that had proposed in Christ, so that he might be the firstborn among many brethren (Rm 8:29; Hb 2:10). After die and be buried with Christ, God uses the same mass (clay) to make vessels for honor. All who die reappear with Christ: are the new generated, because they are given a new heart and a new spirit. Are new creatures because they are in Christ and, as everything becomes new (new heart and new spirit), are now elected of God (2Co 5:17; Sl 51: 10; Ez 36: 26; Is 57: 15). The mystery of the election down in generation. That is why the Apostle Peter says that Christians of dispersion were elected: "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the father, in the sanctification of the spi rit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: grace and peace be multiplied unto you" (1 pet. 1: 2). Why are Christians elect according to the foreknowledge? Foresight says of the descendant and therefore their offspring. As well as the death would reign among men, in advance God predicted the triumph of Christ on the cross, which became the precursor of the new generation, because only He would lead many sons to glory of God (Hb 2:10). Beforehand (before coming to existence) God elected the last Adam's offspring, progeny of CHRIST (descending). Such offspring says of all who believe in the Gospel, which makes them Holy and blameless before him (Eph 1: 4).
Aware of this election, the Apostle Peter bless God: "blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, according to his great mercy, in the generated again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, uncontaminated, and that cannot wither, stored in the heavens for you" (1 pet. 1: 2 -3). The Apostle Peter explains that, through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, God again generated men on condition that the sons of God (Eph 1:19 -20).
And how is this new generation? God purified men by obedience to the truth "Purifying your soul by the spirit in obedience to the truth ..." (1Pe 1:22). This purification was portrayed by Ezekiel: "Then aspergir (spirit) pure water (obedience to the truth) about you, and purified appreciation; from all your filthiness and filthiness and from all your idols you purely purge away. And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you ... " (Ez 36: 25 -26; Jo 15: 3).It is certain that the man has already been raised once, from seed that the Father not planted (Mt 15:13). Now, through Christ, the last Adam, men are again raised by the word of God, which is Christ, the Incarnate Word, becoming trees of Justice "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, viva, and that remains forever" (1 Peter 1:23). As Christians if closed to Christ, the living stone, chosen and precious, now also are living stones, they are spiritual home and Holy Priesthood (1 Peter 2: 5). Now, because they have been raised again, Christians are the chosen generation. Note the difference: before there were people, i.e. were not chosen, are now the people of God, for they are the chosen generation.
That is why when writing the second epistle, the Apostle Peter recommends to Christians who, by the exceeding great and precious promises of the Gospel, they became partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1: 4), add faith to virtue, and virtue, science, etc. Why? Not to become idle (2Pe 1: 8). In this tuning, the Christian becomes firmer your call and election, which prevents tripping over a thing (2Pe 1:10; Tg 3: 2).
If the election is for salvation, there is no need to talk about make it firmer. But, if the election is afforded by the new generation on condition that the new man belongs, when the Christian message applies to your call (evangelhovocação), this is firmer, i.e. free of limp between two thoughts and action of false teachers. Any who so acts, will be granted broad input in the heavens! (2Pe 2:11), which does not match with the assumption of Calvinist doctrine and arminianista of the election, that salvation is for some chosen, regardless of whether or not to meet called.
The Apostle Paul showed that the election of Israel stems from parents: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Rm 11:28), other than the election of few remaining Jews who became Christians, that is the election from da graça (Rm 11: 5). What comes to the election of grace?
Because of the Patriarch Abraham, their descendants were elected to belong to the nation of Israel (Dt 10:15; Is 41: 8), so that election always appears in the Bible in connection with affiliation, descent. But the promise of bliss does not derive from the election of parents, before the election says Descendant promised to Abraham, which is only the participant that he are generated. Therefore, the election has to do with the generation: there was the election according to the parents, and there is the election according to the descendant, who is Christ (Is 65: 9). In both cases, to be elected it is necessary to be descended, an issue linked to generation.
The Apostle Paul appoints the Christians of Ephesus of Saints and faithful, i.e. belonging to the family of God through the Gospel of Christ (Eph 2:19), a condition that refers to the fact of having been generated from God (Eph 5: 8). In this verse: As also elected us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love (Eph 1: 4), it cannot be concluded that God elected individuals to be saved before should consider that all Christians (US) were elected (elected) in Christ before the foundation of the world to be generated according to Christ.
Before the foundation of the world God chose the descent of Christ to be holy and blameless before him. The Apostle Paul makes reference to an event that has in its scope the fact Christians are descendants of Christ, because they were created again (Ef 2:10), having Christ as the corner stone and the Christians built up on it as the Holy Temple (Ef 2:20 -22), the same concept exposed by the Apostle Peter (Ex 19: 5 -6).
In eternity God elected the descent of the Lord Jesus Christ (descendant promised to Abraham), therefore, the Apostle Paul used the verb elect in the past ' elected ' to demonstrate the current condition of Christians: elected of God (Eph 1: 3).
When writing to the Philippians the Apostle Paul makes a clear distinction between the relevant condition to the generation of the sons of God and the generation of this world that ye may be blameless and sincere, children of God without fault in the midst of a corrupt and perverse generation, among which resplandeceis as stars in the world (Fl 2:15).
Christ appoints the generation of scribes and Pharisees a generation evil and adulterous But he answered them, and said: A poor and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but not if you give another signal other than the prophet Jonah (Mt 12:39; Sl 78: 8), but this feature does not apply only to the Pharisees to the time of Christ, before says of the generation of the wicked.
Since when flying around for forty years in the desert to Christ, God protests against the nation of Israel, that constitutes a people who misses the heart, because it does not have known the ways of the Lord (Psalm 95: 10). Several ' generations ', however God protests against a same generation, the generation that originated in the disobedience of Adam (43: 27). Because of Adam the sons of Jacob were bad and Adulterers, and spun on the idea that remained were generation of Abraham. But the promise of God says of Christ, who is powerful seed on Earth "to your seed will be powerful on Earth;” the generation of the upright shall be blessed (Psalm 112: 2). The generation of Christ is Lord's Plantation, trees of Justice (Is 61: 3).
This promise was not to the generation of Adam, but for the future generation of the people that God had created to praise of the glory of God this will write to the future generation; and the people that create will commend to the Lord (Psalm 102: 18; Is 61: 3; Ef and Ef 4:24 1:12).
Everything regarding the election is coming from the following promise: "I made a Covenant with my chosen, and swore to my servant David, saying, thy seed shall settle for forever, and I will build your throne from generation to generation" (Psalm 89: 3; Ef 2:12).
Just as the Bible presents two doors, two paths, two seeds, two pots, two gentlemen, also features two generations, being rejected, generation of Adam and Christ the elected, because as It is are the ones who believe in it here in this world: elected of God, the generation of the Lord! (1Jo 4:17; Sl 24: 6 and Sl 15: 1; 1 1Co:15:48)
Only one seed, the word of God, brings to life a new generation elected Mr a seed the serve; will be declared to every generation (Sl 22:30), election which make them Saints put because, as elected of God, Holy and beloved, bowels of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering (Cl 3:12).
Claudio Crispim
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